A painting of a crying woman holding flowers

Prompta painting of a crying woman holding flowers, holding books, wearing long dresses, painting inspired by Alfonse Mucha, tumblr, art nouveau, alphons mucha, alsphonse mucha, modern art nouveau, elegant, flat
  • Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • Sampling: Euler a
  • Steps: 20
  • Guidance: 7
  • Seed: 548845131
  • Width: 512
  • Height: 512
  • Size: 74

Generate images with different prompt

After writing prompt, we can try generating images with different AI Image Generator, such asĀ  Midjourney. Here is an example of a prompt, ” a painting of a crying woman holding flowers, holding books, wearing long dresses, painting inspired by Alfonse Mucha, tumblr, art nouveau, alphons mucha, alsphonse mucha, modern art nouveau, elegant, flat”. Learn more about how the words affecting the generated images:

  • A painting” – indicates that the desired output is a painted image
  • of a crying woman” – specifies the subject of the painting and the desired emotion conveyed
  • holding flowers, holding books” – further details the woman’s physical attributes and objects that she is holding
  • wearing long dresses” – describes the woman’s attire
  • painting inspired by Alfonse Mucha” – suggests the style of the painting, inspired by the Czech artist Alphonse Mucha who was known for his art nouveau style
  • tumblr, art nouveau, alphons mucha, alsphonse mucha, modern art nouveau” – provides additional inspiration sources and style preferences for the painting
  • elegant, flat” – specifies desired aesthetic qualities for the painting

Each part of the prompt contributes to the desired output of a painted image of a woman crying while holding flowers and books. The details about the woman’s physical attributes and attire help to create a clear mental image for the artist. The reference to Alphonse Mucha and art nouveau style provide a specific inspiration for the painting style, while the additional keywords such as “modern” and “flat” indicate preferences for a contemporary interpretation of the art nouveau style. Overall, the prompt provides a clear direction for the artist while also allowing room for creativity and personal interpretation.

Where do the characters looking at

One possible reason why ladies in Art Nouveau works are depicted looking away from the viewer is to maintain a sense of mystery and allure. By not making direct eye contact with the viewer, it creates a certain distance and allows the viewer to admire the woman’s beauty and elegance without feeling uncomfortable or intrusive.

In addition, the composition of the artwork may also play a role in determining the direction of the subject’s gaze. The artist may choose to place the subject looking in a particular direction to balance the overall composition of the artwork or to draw the viewer’s attention to a particular element in the scene.

How AI generate the pose of Characters

AI systems can generate actions or poses based on a variety of inputs, including a database of pre-existing poses, learned body language from human images, or even generated poses through advanced machine learning algorithms.

In the case of generating Art Nouveau-style images with elegant ladies, the AI system may reference existing images or art styles and use them as a basis for generating new poses and actions. Alternatively, the system could learn from a large database of images depicting human poses and body language, and generate poses based on that learned knowledge. The exact methods used by each AI system may vary depending on the specific techniques and models employed by the system’s creators.

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