
Promptcyberpunk, Vaporwave speed art, an aerial view of a city at night with many cars, cyberpunk art inspired by Liam Wong, trending on Artstation, digital art, isometric futuristic game, isometric art, detailed neon cyberpunk city
  • Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • Sampling: Euler a
  • Steps: 20
  • Guidance: 7
  • Seed: 3676069474
  • Width: 512
  • Height: 512
  • Size: 35

How to write this prompt?

Here is a detailed breakdown of the AI image prompt and how each individual part influences the image being generated:

  1. “cyberpunk” – this sets the genre and style of the image to a futuristic, dystopian cityscape with advanced technology and a gritty, urban feel.
  2. “Vaporwave speed art” – this adds a specific artistic style to the image, characterized by bright neon colors, glitchy effects, and retro motifs.
  3. “an aerial view of a city at night with many cars” – this gives a specific scene for the image, with a bird’s eye view of a bustling city at night, complete with lots of cars and activity.
  4. “cyberpunk art inspired by Liam Wong” – this sets a specific reference point for the image, referencing a popular artist known for his moody and atmospheric cyberpunk cityscapes.
  5. “trending on Artstation” – this suggests a specific platform where the image might be showcased and viewed by a particular audience.
  6. “digital art” – this specifies the medium in which the image should be created, in this case, using digital tools and software.
  7. “isometric futuristic game” – this adds a specific context or use case for the image, suggesting that it could be used as part of a video game or similar project.
  8. “isometric art” – this specifies a particular perspective or angle for the image, with a top-down view that emphasizes the layout and structure of the cityscape.
  9. “detailed neon cyberpunk city” – this adds specific visual details and motifs to the image, such as neon lights, futuristic buildings, and a gritty urban environment.

Overall, each individual part of the prompt contributes to a unique and specific image that captures the essence of cyberpunk and vaporwave art styles. By combining these elements together, the resulting image will have a distinct aesthetic and appeal to a particular audience interested in this type of imagery.

What is the significance of neon lights in cyberpunk art?

Neon lights are a common visual motif in cyberpunk art because they symbolize the futuristic and technological aspects of the genre. They also create a vivid and eye-catching contrast against the dark and gritty urban environment of the cyberpunk cityscape.

How to create a Vaporwave speed art piece?

To create a Vaporwave speed art piece, you can use digital art software like Adobe Photoshop or Procreate and experiment with bright, neon colors, retro motifs, and glitchy effects. You can also try using photo manipulation techniques to create a surreal and dreamlike atmosphere.

Why is Liam Wong’s cyberpunk art so popular?

Liam Wong’s cyberpunk art is popular because it captures the moody and atmospheric nature of the genre so well. His use of color, lighting, and composition creates a distinct and immersive world that draws viewers in and leaves a lasting impression. Additionally, his work has been featured in popular video games like “Mass Effect” and “Watch Dogs 2,” which has helped to increase his exposure and fan base.

Are there any copyright issues with using AI-generated art?

AI-generated art is a relatively new phenomenon, and there is currently a lot of debate surrounding the issue of copyright. Generally speaking, the person who creates the AI algorithm is considered the copyright owner of any works generated using that algorithm. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, such as if the AI algorithm was trained on pre-existing copyrighted works. In these cases, the copyright owner of the original work may have a claim to the resulting AI-generated art. Additionally, if the AI-generated art is deemed to be a derivative work, then the original copyright owner may also have a claim to the work. It is important to consult with a legal professional if you are unsure about the copyright status of any AI-generated art you wish to use or sell.

Can I sell AI-generated art?

The ability to sell AI-generated art depends on a number of factors, including the copyright status of the work and any applicable laws in your jurisdiction. If you are the creator of the AI algorithm and the resulting art, then you are likely able to sell the work without issue. However, if the art was generated using an algorithm owned by someone else, then you may need to seek permission or pay a licensing fee in order to sell the work. Additionally, some jurisdictions have specific laws governing the sale of AI-generated art, so it is important to research and follow any applicable laws in your area. As with any other form of art, the market demand and pricing of AI-generated art will also depend on factors such as the quality and uniqueness of the work, the artist’s reputation, and the current trends and interests of the art market.

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