Fantasy detail steampunk art of a mechanical airship flying in the blue sky

Promptfantasy detail steampunk art of a mechanical airship flying in the blue sky, a digital rendering by Gediminas Pranckevicius, pixabay contest winner, pop surrealism, airship in steampunk, steampunk airship, steampunk hot air balloon
  • Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • Sampling: Euler a
  • Steps: 20
  • Guidance: 7
  • Seed: 692366868
  • Width: 512
  • Height: 512
  • Size: 29

How to write this prompt?

how each individual part can influence the image generated by an AI model. Here’s a point-by-point explanation:

  1. “Fantasy detail steampunk art – This part sets the genre and style for the image, indicating that the art should be steampunk-inspired and have elements of fantasy.
  2. “Mechanical airship flying in the blue sky” – This provides the main subject and action of the image: a mechanical airship that is flying through a blue sky.
  3. “A digital rendering by Gediminas Pranckevicius, Pixabay contest winner” – This is a reference to the source of the original image that the prompt is based on, providing context for what kind of image is desired.
  4. “Pop surrealism” – This indicates that the image should have a surreal quality to it, perhaps with unexpected or dreamlike elements.
  5. “Airship in steampunk, steampunk airship” – These phrases reinforce the steampunk aesthetic and provide additional guidance for the image’s overall style.
  6. “Steampunk hot air balloon” – This is an additional element that can be included in the image, suggesting a specific type of steampunk-inspired aircraft that could be featured alongside the mechanical airship.

Overall, each part of the prompt provides specific instructions and suggestions for what kind of image should be generated, from the genre and style to the main subject and additional details. By carefully selecting and wording each part of the prompt, an AI model can create an image that meets the desired specifications and captures the essence of the original inspiration.

What is pop surrealism and how does it relate to steampunk art?

Pop surrealism is an art movement that combines elements of surrealism with popular culture, often creating unexpected or whimsical images. In the context of steampunk art, pop surrealism can add an additional layer of imagination and creativity to the already fantastical aesthetic of steampunk.

How to create a steampunk airship in a digital rendering?

To create a steampunk airship in a digital rendering, one could start by sketching out a basic design that incorporates key steampunk elements such as brass, gears, and steam-powered engines. Then, using 3D modeling software or digital painting techniques, the artist could refine the design and add more intricate details to create a fully-realized and visually compelling image.

Why is the image of a mechanical airship often associated with steampunk?

The image of a mechanical airship is often associated with steampunk because it reflects the genre’s fascination with the technology and aesthetics of the Victorian era, particularly as it relates to transportation and exploration. Airships, with their combination of old-world charm and futuristic innovation, perfectly encapsulate the steampunk aesthetic and have become an iconic symbol of the genre.

Are there any copyright issues with using AI-generated art?

As with any type of artwork, copyright laws apply to AI-generated art. The creator or owner of the AI software used to generate the art may hold the copyright, while the user may hold the rights to any modifications or derivatives they make to the generated art. Additionally, if the AI-generated art incorporates any copyrighted materials (such as photographs or images used as part of the input data), there may be further copyright considerations. It is important to be aware of these issues and obtain the necessary permissions before using or distributing AI-generated art.

Can I sell AI-generated art?

Yes, in most cases, you can sell AI-generated art as long as you have the legal right to do so. As mentioned above, it is important to be aware of any copyright issues and ensure that you have the necessary permissions to sell the artwork. Additionally, some platforms and marketplaces may have specific policies around the use and sale of AI-generated art, so it is important to review their terms of service before selling your artwork.

Can AI art generation prompts be used for commercial purposes?

Yes, AI art generation prompts can be used for commercial purposes as long as they do not infringe on any existing copyrights or intellectual property. However, it is important to note that the resulting AI-generated art may have legal implications if it includes any copyrighted materials or infringes on the rights of others. As with any other type of content creation, it is important to review the legal and ethical considerations of using AI art generation prompts for commercial purposes.

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