This mesmerizing anime portrait from Studio Ghibli captures a school girl in an extreme long-shot

  • Promptify
  • Anime
  • Ghibli
  • This mesmerizing anime portrait from Studio Ghibli captures a school girl in an extreme long-shot
PromptThis mesmerizing anime portrait from Studio Ghibli captures a school girl in an extreme long-shot, with a panoramic view of the Tokyo cityscape. The school girl stands at the edge of a park, with the city lights creating a stunning backdrop behind her. The depth of field blurs the surrounding trees, making the cityscape the focus of the shot. The lighting is soft and glowing, with a gentle yellow tint, creating a peaceful and dreamy atmosphere. The school girl's uniform is now teal, blending perfectly with the natural surroundings.
  • Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • Sampling: Euler a
  • Steps: 20
  • Guidance: 7
  • Seed: 3607669439
  • Width: 512
  • Height: 512
  • Size: 31

How to write this prompt?

Here’s a breakdown of the prompt and how each element influences the image being generated:

  1. Overall description: The prompt describes a mesmerizing anime portrait from Studio Ghibli that captures a school girl in an extreme long-shot, with a panoramic view of the Tokyo cityscape. This sets the scene and provides a general idea of what the image should look like.
  2. School girl’s pose and location: The prompt specifies that the school girl is standing at the edge of a park, which creates a sense of space and depth in the image. It also mentions that she is in an extreme long-shot, which means she will be relatively small in the image. This creates a feeling of grandeur and emphasizes the cityscape as the main focus.
  3. Cityscape: The cityscape is described as the focus of the shot, with the depth of field blurring the surrounding trees. This creates a sense of distance and scale, making the cityscape feel expansive and grand. The lighting is also described as soft and glowing, with a gentle yellow tint, which creates a peaceful and dreamy atmosphere.
  4. School girl’s uniform: The prompt specifies that the school girl’s uniform is teal, which blends perfectly with the natural surroundings. This creates a sense of harmony and balance in the image, making the school girl feel like she belongs in the scene.

Overall, the prompt provides a detailed description of the scene, including the school girl’s pose and location, the cityscape, and the lighting. Each of these elements influences the image being generated by the AI, creating a sense of space, depth, grandeur, and harmony. To write a prompt like this, you need to be specific about the details of the scene and how each element interacts with the others to create a cohesive whole.

What is an extreme long-shot in film or photography?

An extreme long-shot is a type of camera shot that shows the subject from a distance, emphasizing the surrounding environment or setting. In film or photography, it is also known as a wide shot or establishing shot, and it can be used to establish the location or context of the scene.

How to create a dreamy atmosphere in photography?

To create a dreamy atmosphere in photography, you can use soft lighting and a warm color palette, such as yellow or pink. You can also use a shallow depth of field to blur the background and focus on the subject, or add a gentle haze or soft focus effect. Additionally, you can experiment with different compositions and angles to create a sense of ethereal beauty and calm.

Who is Hayao Miyazaki, and what is his connection to Studio Ghibli?

Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese film director, animator, and screenwriter, known for his work on animated films such as Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, and Princess Mononoke. He co-founded Studio Ghibli in 1985 with Isao Takahata, a Japanese film director and animator, and the studio has produced many of Miyazaki’s films as well as other notable works in the anime genre. Miyazaki is considered one of the most influential and celebrated filmmakers in Japanese animation history.

Can AI-generated art be considered original and creative?

AI-generated art can be considered original and creative in some contexts, but not in others. The use of AI algorithms to create art has become increasingly popular in recent years, and there are many examples of AI-generated artworks that are visually impressive and aesthetically pleasing. However, the extent to which these artworks can be considered original and creative depends on how much creative input is given to the AI algorithm, and how much the resulting artwork deviates from the input data.

In some cases, the use of AI art generation can be seen as a tool for augmenting or enhancing human creativity, rather than replacing it entirely. For example, some artists use AI algorithms to generate ideas or generate variations of existing artworks, which they then modify and refine to create a final piece. In these cases, the resulting artwork is still largely the product of the artist’s creative vision, even if it has been influenced or assisted by AI-generated prompts.

On the other hand, some AI-generated artworks are created entirely by algorithms, with little or no input from human artists. In these cases, the originality and creativity of the artwork may be more questionable, as it is largely a product of the algorithm’s programming and the input data it was trained on.

How can I use AI art generation prompts to create my own artwork?

There are several ways to use AI art generation prompts to create your own artwork. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Generate prompts and use them as inspiration: One of the simplest ways to use AI art generation prompts is to simply generate a large number of prompts and use them as inspiration for your own creative work. You can use these prompts to jumpstart your imagination and help you come up with new ideas for art projects.
  2. Modify and refine AI-generated artworks: Another approach is to use AI algorithms to generate initial versions of your artwork, and then modify and refine these artworks to create a final piece. This can be a useful tool for experimenting with different styles and techniques, and can help you achieve a unique visual style that combines human creativity with machine-generated prompts.
  3. Combine AI-generated elements with traditional art techniques: You can also use AI-generated prompts to create specific elements of your artwork, such as backgrounds, textures, or color palettes, and then combine these elements with traditional art techniques such as drawing or painting. This can help you achieve a unique and visually striking aesthetic that combines the best of both worlds.

Looking to add some cutting-edge creativity to your designs? Look no further than Visual Paradigm Online! With our innovative design tools, you can seamlessly incorporate stunning AI-generated art into your graphics with just a few clicks. Our user-friendly interface and extensive range of design templates and assets make experimentation a breeze, so you can explore countless styles and layouts until you find the perfect combination for your project. Elevate your designs to the next level with Visual Paradigm Online today!

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