This stunning anime portrait from Studio Ghibli captures a school girl in a massive scale shot

  • Promptify
  • Anime
  • Ghibli
  • This stunning anime portrait from Studio Ghibli captures a school girl in a massive scale shot
PromptThis stunning anime portrait from Studio Ghibli captures a school girl in a massive scale shot, with the Tokyo cityscape spread out beneath her. The school girl stands on top of a skyscraper, gazing down at the bustling city below. The aerial view shows the city's bright lights as tiny specks in the distance, while the crepuscular rays peek through the clouds, creating a dramatic effect. The school girl's uniform is now silver, shimmering in the moonlight and adding to the grandeur of the scene.
  • Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • Sampling: Euler a
  • Steps: 20
  • Guidance: 7
  • Seed: 2671921538
  • Width: 512
  • Height: 512
  • Size: 36

How to write this prompt?

How each individual part influences the image being generated:

  1. “This stunning anime portrait from Studio Ghibli” – This sets the style and aesthetic of the image, indicating that it should be an anime-style portrait with a certain level of detail and quality.
  2. “captures a school girl in a massive scale shot” – This provides a specific subject for the image – a school girl – and indicates that the image should have a sense of scale, perhaps with the girl appearing larger than life.
  3. “with the Tokyo cityscape spread out beneath her” – This sets the setting and background for the image, indicating that it should include a view of Tokyo from a high vantage point.
  4. “The school girl stands on top of a skyscraper, gazing down at the bustling city below.” – This provides a specific pose and action for the school girl, indicating that she should be standing on top of a skyscraper and looking down at the city.
  5. “The aerial view shows the city’s bright lights as tiny specks in the distance” – This provides a specific perspective for the image, indicating that it should be an aerial view of the city with small, distant lights.
  6. “while the crepuscular rays peek through the clouds, creating a dramatic effect.” – This sets the lighting and atmosphere for the image, indicating that it should have crepuscular rays (sunbeams) peeking through the clouds, creating a dramatic effect.
  7. “The school girl’s uniform is now silver, shimmering in the moonlight” – This provides a specific color and detail for the school girl’s uniform, indicating that it should be silver and shimmering in the moonlight.

Overall, this prompt provides a clear vision for the type of image that should be generated – an anime-style portrait of a school girl standing on top of a skyscraper, gazing down at the Tokyo cityscape. The prompt also provides specific details and instructions for how the image should look, from the lighting and atmosphere to the girl’s pose and uniform. By following these instructions, an AI model can generate an image that matches the vision described in the prompt.

What is the significance of Studio Ghibli in the world of anime?

Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation studio that is well-known for producing high-quality, critically acclaimed anime films such as Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and My Neighbor Totoro. The studio was founded in 1985 by filmmakers Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, and Toshio Suzuki, and has since become one of the most respected and beloved animation studios in the world.

How to create a dramatic effect using crepuscular rays in a digital artwork?

To create a dramatic effect using crepuscular rays in a digital artwork, you can use a combination of layer blending modes, gradient fills, and brush strokes. Start by creating a new layer and filling it with a gradient that goes from transparent to a light color, such as yellow or orange. Then, use a soft brush to paint strokes of white or light yellow where you want the crepuscular rays to appear. Finally, change the layer blending mode to “Screen” or “Add” to make the rays appear brighter and more vibrant.

Who is the creator of the character “Spirited Away” and what is the story behind the film?

The character “Spirited Away” was created by Japanese filmmaker and animator Hayao Miyazaki, who also directed the film of the same name. The story follows a young girl named Chihiro who becomes trapped in a mysterious world of spirits and must work in a bathhouse run by a witch in order to save her parents and return to the human world. The film is known for its imaginative and intricate world-building, as well as its themes of environmentalism, coming of age, and the power of imagination.

How does AI generate art?

AI can generate art using various techniques, such as deep learning, neural networks, and machine learning algorithms. These techniques allow the AI system to learn from large datasets of images, music, or other creative works and create new, unique pieces of art based on the patterns and styles it has learned. Here are a few steps that an AI system may take to generate art:

  1. Input: The AI system is fed a dataset of images, music, or other creative works that it will learn from.
  2. Learning: The AI system uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the dataset and identify patterns and styles.
  3. Training: The AI system is trained to generate new art pieces based on the patterns and styles it has learned.
  4. Output: The AI system generates a new piece of art based on the input it was given.

What types of art can be generated using AI?

AI can generate various types of art, including:

  1. Images: AI can generate images that resemble real-life objects, landscapes, or people. AI-generated images can also be abstract, surreal, or futuristic.
  2. Music: AI can create original pieces of music that are similar to a specific artist or genre. AI-generated music can also be experimental, ambient, or entirely new and unique.
  3. Text: AI can generate text that resembles human writing in terms of style and tone. AI-generated text can also be used to create poetry, stories, or other creative works.
  4. Video: AI can create short videos or animations that feature a specific theme or style. AI-generated videos can also be used for visual effects in movies or video games.

Overall, the possibilities for AI-generated art are endless, and the technology is continually evolving to create new and exciting pieces of creative work.

With the aid of design tools such as Visual Paradigm Online, incorporating AI-generated art into your designs has never been easier. Visual Paradigm Online provides a user-friendly interface and a variety of design templates and assets, enabling you to experiment with various styles and layouts until you find the perfect match for your project. In just a few clicks, you can produce stunning and visually appealing graphics that will captivate your audience.

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