A steampunk train traveling through a city

Prompta steampunk train traveling through a city, a matte painting, fantastic realism, magic and steam - punk inspired, steampunk digital art, high quality steampunk art
  • Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • Sampling: Euler a
  • Steps: 20
  • Guidance: 7
  • Seed: 2837398470
  • Width: 512
  • Height: 512
  • Size: 39

Create an image of Steampunk with prompt

In order to create an attractive image about steampunk, we can try to add the elements we like into the prompt. For example, the image above is created with the prompt “ a steampunk train traveling through a city, a matte painting, fantastic realism, magic and steam – punk inspired, steampunk digital art, high quality steampunk art“. Now, let’s break down the individual parts of the prompt and their potential impact on the generated image.

Firstly, we have “steampunk train” and “traveling through a city”, providing a specific setting and subject for the image, indicating that it should feature a train that is either in motion or stationary in a cityscape.

Next, “matte painting” is added to the prompt. This technique involves creating a highly-detailed and realistic image with the use of digital or traditional media. It suggests that the generated image should have a high level of detail and realism.

After that, “fantastic realism”, style combines elements of fantasy and reality to create a unique and surreal image, suggests that the generated image should feature fantastical elements or elements that are not entirely realistic. “Magic and steam-punk inspired” then suggest that the image should incorporate elements of both magic and steam-punk aesthetic, potentially featuring gears, pipes, and other industrial details, as well as magical or fantastical elements.

Finally, “steampunk digital art” and “high quality steampunk art” suggest that the generated image should be of high quality and incorporate a range of digital techniques to achieve a steampunk aesthetic.

Matte Painting

Matte painting is a technique used in filmmaking and video production to create backgrounds or environments that would be too expensive, impractical, or impossible to build or film in real life. It involves painting or digitally creating realistic, highly detailed background images or scenes, which are then integrated with live-action footage or other visual effects.

The process of creating a matte painting involves several stages, starting with concept art and rough sketches, then followed by detailed painting or digital illustration, and finally, integrating the matte painting with the live-action footage or other elements of the scene. The result is a seamless and convincing visual effect that can transport the audience to a new world or environment, whether it’s a futuristic cityscape or a fantastical landscape.

Matte painting has been used extensively in the film industry since the early 20th century, and the technique has evolved with the advances in digital technology. Today, digital matte painting is commonly used in major motion pictures, TV shows, and video games, allowing filmmakers and artists to create incredibly detailed and immersive visual effects that would have been impossible to achieve just a few decades ago.

Can we generate Mette Painting with AI

Although entering “matte painting” into the prompt can help us to tune the quality of the result, generating high-quality matte paintings solely with an AI image generator is still a challenge. While AI image generators have made impressive advances in recent years, generating a convincing and realistic matte painting that can match the quality of hand-painted or digitally created matte paintings is still difficult.

The main challenge with AI-generated matte paintings is creating a level of detail and realism that can match the complexity and nuances of a hand-crafted matte painting. The level of detail required for a convincing matte painting is very high, and it can be difficult for an AI image generator to achieve that level of detail without generating artifacts or distortions.

However, AI image generators can still be used to assist artists in the process of creating matte paintings, by generating elements or textures that can be integrated into the painting, or by providing a starting point for the artist to work from. In this way, AI image generators can help to speed up the process of creating a matte painting, and allow artists to focus on the more creative and artistic aspects of the process.

Improve your work with AI Generated Images

With design tools like Visual Paradigm Online, incorporating AI-generated images into various materials is made easy. These images can be customized and integrated into your designs, allowing you to showcase your ideas through different social media platforms and URLs.

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