

A glossary of helpful terms and definitions pertaining to the field of Image AI Generation.

Term Definition
Stable diffusion (Learn more) A technique for smoothing out image noise and reducing the effects of pixelation, often used in image compression and enhancement.
Imagen (Learn more) A cloud-based platform for managing and analyzing medical images, using AI and machine learning algorithms to improve diagnosis and treatment.
Mid-journey (Learn more) The stage in the AI training process where the model is fine-tuned based on the specific needs of the application, often using transfer learning.
DALL-E (Learn more) An AI system developed by OpenAI that can generate images from textual descriptions, using a combination of deep learning and natural language processing.
Deep learning A type of machine learning that uses neural networks to analyze and classify data, including images.
Prompt (Learn more) Prompt can be a written description or a visual cue, such as a sketch or a photograph, that provides the AI system with information about the desired output.
Image AI generation is a process where an AI system uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques to generate an image based on a textual description.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) A type of deep learning neural network that is commonly used for image recognition and analysis.
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) A type of AI system that consists of two neural networks that work together to generate new images or modify existing images.
Image segmentation The process of dividing an image into multiple segments or regions, each of which corresponds to a different object or area in the image.
Object detection The ability of an AI system to detect and locate objects within an image.
Style transfer (Learn more) A technique that allows an AI system to apply the style of one image or artistic genre to another image.
Super-resolution A technique that uses AI to increase the resolution and detail of an image beyond its original size.
Auto encoders A type of neural network that is used for image compression, noise reduction, and image generation.
Image-to-image translation: A technique that uses AI to translate an image from one style, format, or domain to another.
Multi-object tracking The ability of an AI system to track and monitor multiple objects within a video stream or series of images.
Optical character recognition (OCR) The ability of an AI system to recognize and extract text from an image or document.
Pose estimation The ability of an AI system to estimate the position and orientation of objects or people within an image or video.
Semantic segmentation A type of image segmentation that assigns semantic labels to each segment of an image, allowing for more detailed analysis and interpretation.
Image retrieval The process of searching for and retrieving images based on specific criteria, such as content, metadata, or similarity to other images.
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