A steampunk train traveling through a station

Prompta steampunk train traveling through a station, a matte painting, fantastic realism, magic and steam - punk inspired, steampunk digital art, high quality steampunk art
  • Model: Stable Diffusion 1.5
  • Sampling: Euler a
  • Steps: 20
  • Guidance: 7
  • Seed: 2942718522
  • Width: 512
  • Height: 512
  • Size: 49

Presenting your idea with prompt

AI image generator is more common nowadays, with suitable prompt, we can display our imagination with different tool such as Midjourney. Let’s learn more about how the prompt affect the image generated with the following example: “a steampunk train traveling through a station, a matte painting, fantastic realism, magic and steam – punk inspired, steampunk digital art, high quality steampunk art“.

Firstly, the prompt is asking for “a steampunk train traveling through a station.” This provides a clear image of what the focus of the image should be – a train in a station. The term “steampunk” is also included, which is a genre of science fiction and fantasy that often features steam-powered machinery and Victorian-era fashion. This gives a specific style to the image, implying that the train and station should be designed with elements of this genre in mind.

Next, the prompt specifies that the image should be “a matte painting.” Matte paintings are a type of visual effects technique used in film and television that involve painting scenery onto glass or other materials, which is then combined with live-action footage to create a realistic and immersive environment. This provides a particular style to the image, one that is often used in fantasy and science fiction films to create otherworldly or impossible locations.

The prompt also includes the phrase “fantastic realism,” which is a genre of art that combines realistic elements with fantastical or imaginary ones. This suggests that the image should be grounded in some level of realism, while also allowing for creative and imaginative elements to be included.

Additionally, the prompt mentions “magic and steam-punk inspired,” implying that the image should include some elements of both magic and steampunk style. This gives room for creativity in the design of the train and station, as well as other elements that could be included in the image.

Lastly, the prompt specifies that the image should be “steampunk digital art” and “high quality steampunk art.” This sets a standard for the quality and style of the image, emphasizing that it should be a digital artwork and one that meets a high level of artistic quality and skill.

More about fantastic realism

Fantastic Realism emerged in the mid-20th century, characterized by the creation of imaginative and dreamlike worlds that combine elements of both reality and fantasy. The movement was influenced by Surrealism, but differed in its focus on creating detailed and realistic imagery rather than the spontaneous, subconscious expression of the surrealists. Fantastic Realist artists often worked in a highly detailed, meticulous style, creating vivid and intricate scenes that blur the line between the real and the fantastical. They frequently incorporated elements of mythology, folklore, and the occult, and were fascinated with the mysteries of the natural world and the human psyche.

In terms of creation, Fantastic Realist artists often begin with a realistic depiction of a subject or scene, but then manipulate it to create an otherworldly or surreal effect. This can involve exaggerating certain features or proportions, combining different elements from reality and fantasy, or creating intricate patterns and details that add a sense of depth and complexity to the work. The process of creation often involves a high level of technical skill and attention to detail, as the artist strives to create a convincing and immersive world that captivates the viewer’s imagination.

How to create Steampunk train with AI

When generating a steampunk train image, the AI image generator may use a combination of techniques to create an image that resembles a steampunk train.

Firstly, it could use existing images of trains or train parts as a reference, and then modify or add steampunk elements to create the desired aesthetic. For example, it could add gears, pipes, and other metallic components to the train’s exterior and add steam-powered engines and boilers to its interior.

Additionally, the AI could draw inspiration from real-life historical events, such as the Industrial Revolution or the Victorian Era, to create a more authentic steampunk aesthetic.

Overall, the AI image generator uses a combination of reference images, design principles, and artistic interpretation to create a steampunk train image that meets the user’s specifications.

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